Outta here!
Tomorrow I leave for Thailand.
Even before Sally left, I had a feeling that this trip was not what I was searching for. I've come to realize that I'm chasing a dream I created when I was 18 and that this life style is, in fact, not for me. That's not to say I haven't had great times and opportunities. This trip has helped me see what was missing and that the comforts of home aren't all evil (though 3 million channels of info-mercials will always be evil). Seeing my family was great, and something I will not neglect again in the future. I've met great people, had great talks, lots of tasty beer, and I'm sure I am a better person because of this trip, or at least more well rounded ;)
Eastern Europe as interesting as it is, is a bit disappointing in the sense that I missed the boat to see true eastern culture. Since the fall of Communism, these eastern countries have been chasing the American Dream to a fault. At the expense of their own culture, they are eating at McDonalds, getting take-out pizza and living a faster pace of life. I only hope they notice that the North American lifestyle isn't all it's cracked up to be either. I'm sure there must be a better balance between the two. I'm tired of wandering around cities. After a while they all seem the same. They all have different characteristics, but you get a sense odd deja-vu when you're on the road this long, never stopping to relax. Being here makes me feel like I must keep moving, seeing sites, taking advantage of every minute because every minute is costing a lot of cash. Granted Eastern Europe is cheaper than home and a lot cheaper than Western Europe, but it's still money, and it'll go further in Thailand.
I'm hoping that a move to a more dominant Buddhist culture will be a refreshing change from the current scene. If I see another cathedral, it'll be too soon. Being in the city doesn't give me time to reflect. Sally's departure has affected me deeply and I need a change to collect myself. I know my arrival in to Bangkok will be nuts, but it's my intention to be on a quiet beach somewhere, surfing and drinking a big fruity drink with umbrellas and stir sticks by my birthday on the 25th.
It's nice that Alison is on the same page as me, so we will be continuing our travels in Thailand together.
As for work, to hell with Telus. They chose not to extend my leave of absence. Their loss. Mind numbing shit work isn't everything. Thanks for making it bearable, amongst others: Rav, Scott, Cheryl, Jaeme, Bruce (gone so soon), my team, and Cam and Kathy. I know I missed some of you, but you know who you are.
That was a load off!
Hmm Thailand. Weird. Just kinda decided yesterday. Should be interesting.
Sounds like your on the right track! Thailand should be amazing. You need to unwind after a long 2 months. Have a great time.
4:25 p.m., June 16, 2005
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