A personal account of my travels through Europe, and Thailand.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Finally some pictures!

I´m sorry I only have 4 for now, but it takes time to upload and time is money. I finally found a place that won't gouge me completely here in Lisbon, too bad we're leaving in a couple hours! I'll get more in soon, just wanted to give you a taste...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jarome - A lot of PINK goin on in that picture of the Sangrias on the beach. You're not switching teams are you? The beach looks fantastic!

1:42 p.m., April 15, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!! You both look great!! Love those Coca Cola chairs and the beach...I'm jealous!
Love to you both...be safe & have fun!!

2:06 p.m., April 15, 2005


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