A personal account of my travels through Europe, and Thailand.

Friday, June 17, 2005

So long, and thanks for all the fish...

Some things I neglected to mention in my last entry. It's certainly not that I don't like Europe (Western or Eastern) it's just that I'm not in the right mind-set to appreciate all it has to offer. Originally there were lots of other places I'd like to go here. I'd like to see more of Hungary - you can't judge a country by it's capital. I mean look at Ottawa! (Sorry Joe :)) Romania was high on the list too, as was Croatia, Serbia and the Slovak Republic. It just means I'll have to make another trip later on. Hopefully next time with more cash and more style ;) Greece and Turkey as well were definitely countries I wanted to hit. You can't do it all though. I was tempted to stop in Istanbul for a few days, a week, before going on to Thailand, but I really feel that it would be better to dedicate more time to a Turkey trip. Greece too. There's so many places to see in the world, so I've changed my outlook. I would rather see more of fewer countries than less of lots.
Just wanted to get that off my chest for those of you who may be offended that I didn't visit your homeland when I said I would or take your suggestions. Eventually I'll get to these places, and truly take the time to enjoy what they have to offer. Suggestions for Thailand are more than welcome though, as we decided on a whim to head there. The Thailand book I picked up from a used English book store is from 1999. Not too accurate.
Gotta go catch a plane.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi cousin !
Happy you enjoy your trip ! please, never forget belgium beer, it's one of the best way of life :)
From our side, we're leaving in Greece tomorrow ! yeahhhh, happy holiday !
Hope to see u and take care,
Nico the belge

12:10 p.m., June 17, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jarome - My neice visited Thailand last year and she LOVED it. I think she especially liked the area around Krabi. She can't wait to go back. Bruce

3:17 p.m., June 17, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitively, these blogs are really interesting... I'm happy to learn that my brother leave in Greece. So let's have a good voyage Nico, and say the bonjour at catherine ! About Jarome, so yes, hem, Thailand is for sure a beautiful country, but do you bring some belgian beer pack ?
Well, I wish you have fun.
Good bye, and see you the prochaine fois.

3:27 a.m., June 18, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jarome:

"We may run, walk, stumble, drive or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way."

Have a fabulous time soaking up the sun, beaches, etc. in Thailand and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


5:02 p.m., June 18, 2005


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