That's all folks!
C'est fini.
I got to Bangkok on the 14th with the intention of catching a flight to Malaysia thus resetting my Thailand visa and allowing me to stay another 30 days. After looking into a few different places to go and see in Malaysia, it dawned on me that everything was starting to feel the same again. Jungle tour in Malaysia, shopping district, beautiful islands etc. I'll concede there are certainly worse ways to spend your days, but I felt that it was time to make some decisions. When I looked at my bank account, that helped spur on the idea of heading for home.
After a little searching I found a cheap flight to Vancouver that left the next day. This was pretty sudden for me, but all the later flights would have been too much or would have taken me past my visa expiry, which is not that horrible but a pain in the butt. After some last minute shopping on Khoa San Road, too much drinking with some Danish girls and a 2 hour bad sleep, I arrived at Bangkok airport by 6:30am to catch my flight to Tai Pei and then Vancouver. It was a long flight. It left at 8:30am Thailand time and arrived at 9:30am Vancouver time on the same day. I'm not sure how many hours I was actually flying for. I couldn't figure it out on the plane as I was exhausted from the partying and I can't be bothered with Quantum physics right now. When I got to Vancouver, I was a complete zombie, fortunately Ryan had seen the last minute email, and picked me up from the airport. Due to a strange coincidence, my sister called Ryan later that day to go for a drink with her and her boyfriend John. It was my pleasure to surprise her first with my arrival, but then I had to go drinking again. Good grief, my poor liver is going to climb up my esophagus and strangle me.
I had intended originally for this trip to last a lot longer. As the trip progressed I realized that the goals I had were, in part, goals I made as a different person. My outlook of things changed as I traveled, and though I would have liked to do a few more things, now isn't the time. Besides, I need an excuse to go back ;) I got what I needed from this trip, and trying to force more out of it would be a waste of time, money and effort. I've had lots of great times, met lots of great people and will remember this trip for the rest of my life. This is definitely not the last trip for me, I will use this as a foundation to make each and every other trip even better than the last.
There's still more photos to come as my CD of Eastern Europe photos is in the mail, and I'm waiting for my waterproof camera prints to get transferred to CD at a ridiculous price.
I would have written this sooner, but as I turned up in Vancouver with no warning whatsoever, I wanted to surprise a few people before letting the cat out of the bag - which this entry would do...
I'll write at least once more when I post the remaining pictures, and I'll recap my overall feelings and impressions of the places I visited on my little adventure.
Jarome - Thanks for posting this blog as you went along on your trip. I enjoyed following your exploits and I hope you decide to post on your next trip, too - whenever that is.
12:35 p.m., July 25, 2005
Welcome home my son!
10:15 p.m., July 26, 2005
welcome home jarome!
the question i have is, did the end of the lockout bring you back home?? i remember you saying in prague that your trip might go as long as there is no well, im glad to hear you had a good trip. the pics look great.
its only a matter of time now!
8:57 a.m., July 27, 2005
Glad to have you home, Jarome.
That was a wonderful surprise you played on me and perfect timing too! :)
2:27 p.m., August 05, 2005
awesome read, it killed the monotony of my job on a sunday at a monopolistic cable company *cough* shaw *cough*
you might not want to share (some ppl are whiners) but how much did the total trip cost you?
im thinking about going after school next year, id love some tips/pointers/recommendations too mang...
beeeeeeeeeeeersssss soooon, i havent seen ya since mikes wedding
2:33 p.m., August 28, 2005
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