A personal account of my travels through Europe, and Thailand.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Dead Jebus day

I didn't make a card this year. It used to be that I would make some stupid festive card with Sally and I in a ridiculous pose of some sort, designed to get a laugh. I can't even contemplate making a card without thinking of Sally which in turn means I have to go get my self a drink.
I wasn't happy with my last entry so I took it out. Basically it was a big bitch session.
I've had lots of people ask me about my trip - What was my favourite place? How much was it? Would I do it again? etc...
If you've previously read my blog, you know that Sally left me in June, about a third into my trip. It's taken this long to write again because more often than not, when I think of my trip, I think of her, so I don't think about it much. It's a shame too, because I experienced a lot of great things and met lots of great people from all over. I don't have a favourite country. I have a lot of respect for all the countries I visited. How can you say one people are better than another's? Especially when every country I visited has gone through way more shit than Canada or the US have ever or will ever have to face.
As a country we are very lucky that way. The only occupations or attacks we've ever had to endure was from the Americans, back in 1812, and we kicked their punk asses and burned down the White House. That was so long ago though, and no one remembers it. Shit, most of us can't remember yesterdays news.
In terms of natural disasters, we don't have much to worry about - unless you're black.
How much was it? I'll answer that with 'would I do it again?'. A lot. It cost me a shitload of cash. I sold my apartment to finance it, and I quit my job. If I wasn't in denial, I would have admitted to myself that Sally was going to leave and I would have done it different. I wouldn't have sold the apartment. I wouldn't have left my job. Having Sally by my side was all that mattered to me. I knew that with her there, everything would be fine. But she left. And now I'm alone, renting again, in a shit job with no future and completly fucking depressed.
I'm working on it though. By 2010 I may consider dating again. So no, I wouldn't do it again. Not the same way anyway.
That's not to say I didn't have a good time - I did. I had a great time.
So thanks to all of you who read this while I was away, your comments an emails meant a lot. Next time I travel I'll write about it too. I discovered when I got back that I really missed writing so I think I may keep this blog up to date after all...


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